

Apr 14, 2019

888 69 KELLY  ext 8128

We’d returned from our date but we were both still hungry. Not the type of hunger which was more than sated by the meal; this hunger had been stoked by weeks of suggestive, teasing online chat and late night sexts.It had been too long since I’d touched her, even if that was just hugs and kisses. I felt ready to strip her naked as soon as we had both feet in the door but I knew I had to play it cool. Over eager would never do, but neither would lack of confidence. Cool, calm, collected. The opposite of how I actually felt.How did she feel? It was so difficult to tell with women. I’d always found men much easier to read in that way, and let’s face it most men wouldn’t turn down the kind of plans I had in mind for this evening. Girls tended to play their cards close to their cunt; no tell-tale rising bulge to signal arousal and need. It’s not like I could slip my fingers straight down her panties and feel between her labia to seek out her slippery wetness. I sighed, inwardly. Stop with the distractions. You’re meant to be playing it cool, remember?We weren’t alone. The boys were present, aware of plans talked about but not yet fulfilled and quite obviously alert but nervous. The internal struggles played out so obviously on their faces. Tired but not wanting to miss anything. Aroused but obedient to any instructions. Anxious about the emotional torment that lay ahead.