
Labor Day weekend

Sep 06, 2020

888 69 KELLY  ext 7679

Well, this Labor Day weekend is different from how it usually is. Every year I normally go to the beach with all of my friends. We rent a house, get lots of ingredients to make yummy cocktails, and have a three day long party. Due to the virus still being in full swing, I find myself alone most of the weekend. What's been getting me through? Well, all my friends out there that have called me this weekend! You've all kept me from going crazy from the quiet. I've had so many great phone calls with you guys. I've gotten to ne a wife, a babysitter, and someone to tell secrets to. I love hearing from all of you! What are your secrets? What stories do you have o share? What roles can we play together? So, I hope you are all having a great Labor Day. Keep calling and telling me all your stories,