

Mar 21, 2024

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THE ENCOUNTER BY LOUISE GLUCK * You came to the side of the bed and sat staring at me. Then you kissed me. I felt hot wax on my forehead. I wanted it to leave a mark: that’s how I knew I loved you. Because I wanted to be burned, stamped, to have something in the end - I drew the gown over my head; a red flush covered my face and shoulders. It will run its course, the course of fire, setting a cold coin on the forehead, between the eyes. You lay beside me; your hand moved over my face as though you had felt it also - you must have known, then, how I wanted you. We will always know that, you and I. The proof will be my body. * From ‘The Triumph of Achilles,’ 1985. * Louise Gluck is a Nobel Prize Winner in Literature, 2020 *********************************************************************************************************** RECREATION BY AUDRE LORDE * Coming together it is easier to work after our bodies meet paper and pen - neither care nor profit whether we write or not - but as your body moves under my hands charged and waiting we cut the leash - you create me against your thighs hilly with images - moving through our word countries my body writes into your flesh the poem you make of me. Touching you I catch midnight - as moon fires set in my throat I love you flesh into blossom - I made you and take you made into me. * From ‘The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde.’ Copyright © 1997