

Apr 19, 2024

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WHAT IS AN ORGASM?: According to the American Psychological Association, an orgasm is when a person reaches peak pleasure. The body releases tension, and the perineal muscles, anal sphincter, and reproductive organs rhythmically contract. Males will usually ejaculate when reaching an orgasm and females will experience vaginal wall contractions. Females may also ejaculate during sexual activity or when experiencing an orgasm. ORGASM MODELS: Sex researchers have defined orgasms within staged models of sexual response. Although the orgasm process can differ greatly between individuals, several basic physiological changes tend to occur in most incidences. The following models are patterns that occur in all forms of sexual response and do not solely relate to penile-vaginal intercourse. MASTERS AND JOHNSON’S FOUR PHASE MODEL: In 1966, researchers named William Masters and Virginia Johnson came up with a Four Phase Model: Excitement, Plateau, Orgasm, Resolution. WHAT HAPPENS DURING AN ORGASM?: During an orgasm, people may experience an intense feeling of pleasure in the genitals and throughout the body. Orgasms can feel different for each individual. After an orgasm, the face, neck, or chest may flush. People may also feel sleepy, relaxed, or happy afterward due to a release of endorphins. FOR FEMALES: the muscles in the vagina and anus may contract roughly once per second, for around five to eight times. Heart and breathing rates may increase. Before and during an orgasm, the vagina may become wet, and it may even ejaculate this fluid. Research suggests the percentage of females who ejaculate can range from 10 – 70%. Directly after an orgasm, the clitoris may feel more sensitive or uncomfortable to touch. FOR MALES: the muscles in the penis and anus may contract around once every second, between five to eight times. Heart and breathing rates may increase. The penis may release around 1 – 2 tablespoons of semen. People may not ejaculate during an orgasm, but both usually occur simultaneously. Directly after an orgasm, the head of the penis may feel more sensitive or uncomfortable to touch. HOW LONG DOES IT LAST?: A 2016 research article suggests that female orgasms may last for around 20 – 35 seconds. While the length of a male orgasm varies for each individual, orgasms tend to last between 10 – 60 seconds. POTENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS OF ORGASMS: Orgasms can help people to sleep better. Research from 2019 finds that orgasms achieved with a partner resulted in good sleep outcomes. Orgasms achieved through masturbation resulted in better sleep quality and reduced the time taken to fall asleep. The body releases a hormone called Oxytocin during an orgasm. Oxytocin may have a variety of health benefits, such as: increased blood flow to the brain and body, regulating anxiety, reducing the risk of heart disease, reducing the risk of cancer, such as ovarian cancer. Oxytocin can promote pair-bonding and intimacy between partners. In addition, there is some evidence that frequent ejaculation in males might reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Research finds that healthcare professionals diagnosed prostate cancer less frequently in those who had high ejaculation rates. *** TO BE CONTINUED... SEE PART 2